Earn Anywhere


With as little as $5 you can be sure of earning your first profit within a few hours. Gone are the days when it takes so much time and so much money to be able to make money online from legitimate businesses. At MicroRev we make it possible for you to make money from hundreds of vetted, profitable, and viable businesses all over the world. Not only is it possible for you to have access to these businesses from the comfort of your home, you are also able to invest in them and see your investments bring in revenue daily, and also able to withdraw your revenue any time you wish when you login to MicroRev.Com platform.

Earn Big


No Delays, Start Investing And Earning Today.
MintRev is a crowdfunding and crowdearning service. This platform is dedicated to ensuring that we bring thousands of potential investors to fund highly viable small businesses around the world that are in need of quick capital (less than $1 million dollars) for expansion, renovation, or upgrade of their busniesses. We also ensure that these investors (the crowd) are handsomely compensation for their investments. This the reason any business approved for investing on the platform go through proper vetting and negotiations.

How does it work?



To start investing in our platform by filling in the registration form.


Add funds to your account

Become an active investor by adding funds to your investor account, as little as €30.


Select projects to invest in

Create your Auto Invest strategy or manually invest in available projects to diversify your funds across various loan categories.


Track your investments

View the growth of your investments daily and track your portfolio and returns.


Receive invested principal plus earned interest

Funds are accessible in your investor account as soon as the project repayment is completed.

Who can invest?

Individuals and companies can become investors by completing a short registration form and activating the investor account by depositing initial funds. Keep in mind that you must be at least 18 years old, and that we only accept deposits from credit, payment or electronic money institutions within the European Union.

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South Solar Plant In Busan, South Korea South Solar Plant

CAPITAL NEEDED: $5,000,000.00

Raised $1,535,050.00
Share Cost $50.00
ROI $89.44 (178.88%)
Response Rating 98.7%
Likes 5845
Reviews 0
Salt Refining Production Plant In Brisbane, Australia Salt Refining Production Plant

CAPITAL NEEDED: $2,181,000.00

Raised $1,359,750.00
Share Cost $150.00
ROI $313.50 (209.00%)
Response Rating 99.2%
Likes 1772
Reviews 0

CAPITAL NEEDED: $800,000.00

Raised $162,420.00
Share Cost $20.00
ROI $33.00 (165.00%)
Viability Rating 97.9%
Likes 1563
Reviews 0

Earn income while investing in meaningful businesses.

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